Paris Rulebook
Client: World Resources Institute (WRI)
Role: Storyboard, Styleframes, Animation
WRI created a series of videos aimed to educate policymakers on the various elements of the Paris Rulebook. This video describes how transparency between countries will be essential to meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement.
The video is featured on WRI’s Paris Rulebook webpage.

Making the Paris Agreement Work: Transparency
Flavio Galvao
- Overall - Character design, Creative Direction, Visual & Sound Editing
- 00:00-00:19, 00:47-0:56 - Character & background animation
CJ Paghasian
- Overall - Storyboard & Styleframes
- 00:20-00:46 - Character & background animation

Process "Making the Paris Rulebook Work: Transparency"
I created the base animation the middle section of this video, and different facial expressions were added later down the pipeline.

I designed backgrounds, objects, character posing and expressions. The character designs were taken from previous videos in the series. These styleframes were prepared and organized so they could easily be brought into After Effects to be animated.

I took a script written by the Climate Team at WRI and made this storyboard, to give our clients an idea of how the final video would look.